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Expanding Digital Health through a pan-European EHRxF-based Ecosystem
XpanDH project supports an expanding ecosystem of individuals and organizations that are developing, experimenting and adopting the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) providing a crucial contribution to the European Health Data Space. It is a 2-year Coordination and Support Action financed by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme.
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What we do

Our focus is on empowering individuals and organizations to create, adapt, and explore interoperable digital health solutions that truly make a difference. That is why we are mobilizing and building capacity to ensure the widespread adoption of the European Electronic Health Records Exchange Format (EEHRxF).

Project outcomes

We are XpanDH, and we want to make healthcare better for everyone. That’s why we’re creating X-bundles – a way to help different health systems work together. We’re working with other people who have already made progress in this area, and we’re also talking to patients to make sure their needs are heard.


The XpanDH project glossary page is a dedicated section that provides a comprehensive list of terms and definitions related to the project. This glossary serves as a reference tool for users who may be unfamiliar with technical jargon or project-specific terminology.


Join us for an insightful webinar in our upcoming XpanDH Webinar series on July 23rd, from 17:00 to 18:00 CEST, as we delve into the crucial topic of integrating wellness applications with Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Hosted by XpanDH, this session will bring together experts to discuss the challenges, solutions, and future directions for achieving seamless interoperability.
On May 7th, stakeholders from across Europe convened for the third webinar of the XpanDH Project X-Net 10, marking another significant stride towards advancing healthcare interoperability and innovation within the EU. Hosted by Alberto Zanini and Chiara Bellanca from ARIA S.p.A. Lombardia, the webinar provided a dynamic platform for fruitful discussions and the exploration of new frontiers in health data interoperability.
In the realm of European healthcare, interoperability has emerged as a critical cornerstone for enhancing patient care and streamlining healthcare delivery across borders. At the forefront of this initiative stands the European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF), a standardized framework poised to revolutionize how health data is shared and utilized throughout the European Union.

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