XpanDH is building capacity to ensure the widespread adoption of the European Electronic Health Records Exchange Format (EEHRxF) across Europe and to be deployed in the MyHealth@EU cross-border infrastructure under the EHDS regulation.
As the new regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) has been adopted, the European EHRxF plays a key role in health data exchange among the European Union (EU) enabling EU citizens to receive the best healthcare provision even abroad.
There is also a collaboration with the xShare initiative that envisions ‘everyone can share their health data in the European EHRxF with a click-of-a-button’. XpanDH is collaborating with this initiative to support the format, co-creation and specifications.
The event will be hosted by the British Computer Society with the support of TechUK Health and Social Care. Professor Henrique Martins, XpanDH Project Co-ordinator, will reveal what’s going on in this area of development, to be followed by a discussion as to the impact on the UK.
This event will be of interest to all those working in digital health in the health and care services and the supplier and academic communities.
There is a light sandwich lunch will be provided, but spaces are limited and pre-booking is essential.
Date and Time:
Monday, May 20th from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm (UK Time)
25 Copthall Avenue
London EC2R 7BP
To attend on-site, register here.