Welcome to our glossary page!
Here you’ll find a list of important terms, acronyms, and concepts related to our field.
We know that specialized jargon can sometimes be confusing, which is why we’ve put together this resource to help you navigate and better understand the language we use.
The XpanDH project maintains a comprehensive glossary for use across the project and in collaboration with other projects. Should you be looking for more terms, abbreviations or definitions, you can access and search this XpanDH comprehensive glossary online.

XpanDH X-Nets
XpanDH X-Nets are networks of stakeholders (EU or Member State organisations) that, linked by similar interests, form the existing pan-European (Digital) Health space and can potentially use or benefit from the widest adoption of the EEHRxF. Utilizing EEHRxF, our ten X-Nets inspired by the Hospitals-on-FHIR initiative connect hundreds of healthcare providers across Europe, with 20 organizations already engaged.
The European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) Adoption Domains
The EEHRxF adoption domains is an instantiation of a use case, with a specific business/real-world use application, that has meaning for a health system or clinical perspective, with implementable requirements defined, that has all the conditions and users to be ready implemented, always considering the EEHRxF domains. It include but are not limited to, supporting clinical workflows, patient access to health records from healthcare provider organisations, reporting data to authorities, and data exchange for research or ERN collaboration.
X-Bundles that corresponds to a group of well-defined interoperability assets that create the necessary certainty along six dimensions (Legal, organizational, semantic, technical, cybersecurity and person-readiness/digital capabilities) so that a simple or complex adoption domain can be implemented in two or more connecting ends of a EEHRxF-compatible sharing health data connection (e.g., the necessary specifications). The X-Bundle can be applied to various levels of health data exchange, from intra-organizational to inter-organizational exchanges.
Experimentation bubbles are groups of organizations that voluntarily test the use of EEHRxF under the X-Bundle defined conditions, and these bubbles can expand to include third-party organizations and European or EU-funded initiatives and projects with the help of X-Nets.