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Home » The XpanDH Project Welcomes Its New Advisory Board Members!

The XpanDH Project Welcomes Its New Advisory Board Members!

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The XpanDH project is thrilled to announce the addition of esteemed professionals to its Advisory Board. This project is dedicated to creating a sustainable and scalable interoperability environment for digital health innovations based on the EEHRxF (Electronic Health Record Framework), with a focus on five core goals:

  1. Development of robust technical specifications and resources for the EEHRxF building.
  2. Establishment of the X-Bundle Readiness model.
  3. Verification of the usefulness of the X-Bundle through real-world application with selected early adopters within specific adoption domains.
  4. Maturation of a pan-European digital health ecosystem of solution providers and end-users.
  5. Creation of a framework for a sustainable ecosystem (X-Nets).

The Advisory Board, comprised of experts, plays a vital role in supporting XpanDH’s Leadership Board. Its members offer technical and scientific expertise in domains related to the project, including adoption domains, interoperability, networks, planning, and testing scenarios.

Our standing Advisory Board Members are:

  1. Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, PhD, Greek Ministry of Health
  2. Petra Hoogendoorn, CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2 / Label2Enable
  3. Milena Krasinska-Chavez, NHS England UK, European Stroke Organisation
  4. Ricardo Martins de Albuquerque, Medfolio, Lda
  5. Michael Johansen, MEDCOM
  6. Sylvia Thun MD Prof. Dr., Berlin Institute of Health (Charité Universetaetsmedizin Berlin)
  7. Gian Luca Di Tanna, Prof. Dr., SUPSI
  8. Kántor Irén, Házi Gyermekorvosok Egyesülete
  9. Eric Sutherland, OECD
  10. Zdenek Gütter, PhD, Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, University Hospital Olomouc

Strategically assembled, the Advisory Board includes representatives from organizations with deep experience in the aforementioned domains, as well as a strong interest and expertise in the EEHRxF. This diverse group will provide high-quality advice to the project’s coordination and direction, offer operational guidance as needed, and ensure the effective pursuit of the project’s objectives.

Throughout the project’s lifecycle, the external advisory board members will actively contribute by reviewing key deliverables, providing valuable feedback on specific inquiries, and engaging in discussions on complex themes to offer comprehensive insights.

A warm welcome to all our Advisory Board Members. Having bright minds looking at our work in XpanDH and advising us where and how to best support the EU digital health ecosystem in this journey towards the European EHR Exchange Format is not only a pleasure but also an opportunity to learn” said Henrique Martins – XpanDH’s Project Coordinator.

The XpanDH Project looks forward to the contributions and expertise that the new Advisory Board members will bring, as we collectively strive to accelerate digital health innovations and establish a transformative pan-European digital health ecosystem.

For more information on our Advisory Board, please visit here.